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the latest…

hiya! here’s the latest…

my super six besties and gabby…meeting baby Lynnie Koranda!

always with her face smooshed against the patio screen door…as if she’s asking ‘what are they doing out there momma?!?!’


brady and leo.. playing peek a boo at gee gee and g-pa’s.. they are so funny together 🙂

more cousin loving behind gee gee’s drapes… ‘find us!!!’

gully grandkids…not thrilled with officially posing together.

dressed himself up for a bike ride. adorbs.

the first batch of strawberries from grandma and grandpa jones! they must have picked thousands for us…thank you so much!!

ella’s prek 3 class picnic.. i cannot believe she has completed her first year of school.

grandma jones stayed with brady and gabby so jj and i could spend some time with just our ella bella.

LOVE her.

it’s official! prek 4 here she comes!

they did not know i was listening.. if only i had recorded their sweet conversation about life, over homemade popsicles 🙂

this precious one.. standing, climbing, falling. all day long. i cannot believe it.

daddy made sure to get a photo of mommy and ella helping in the garden. we were cutting lettuce and spinach together.


Easter fun and then some

every day is an adventure here at the jones home.

these three kiddos keep me running from before the sun comes up until after it goes down…i swear i am more tired than they are at the end of the day!

i truly appreciate whoever it was recently that sent me a quote about how the best moms have messy houses, laundry to fold and a ‘to do’ list a mile long. with happy children running around them.


i have to give a shout out to one of my besties, jaime fagan. she and her husband tyler have made many sacrifices to provide their girls (gianna and addy) with the lifestyle they are living. i am so incredibly proud of her and blessed that she is my friend. it is totally worth your time to check out her new blog…

“the strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home”

hope you enjoy these photos.. i’ve included just a few 🙂

last day of march!

i mean who can believe it!??! this month has flown by! fantastic weather, fishing, trip to visit Great Grandma and Grandpa Valerugo and a couple days in the ‘bourb’, my 31st birthday :)..  it’s been a great one.


it’s naptime.

finally! it has been so long since i’ve updated this.. and as usual, the request line was growing. so.. ella and gabby are napping and brady is out on the mower with daddy. some quiet time!

i’ll try to include random stuff from the past few months.. quickly.. 🙂 Grandpa and Grandma Gullickson came for a visit, Ella had her 1st Grandparents Luncheon at school and more… enjoy!

and some more…

Jason surprised me (kind of 🙂 with a fabulous new camera! I haven’t quite figured it out yet.. as you will see in the quality/coloring of some of these photos. But.. i’m hoping to have it all down by the time they are in junior high. ha!

With the new year…

Ella… started a new preschool, St. Patricks in Washington (where GeeGee taught!). we really love it. Ella is very serious about church and praying and her faith, so attending a catholic preschool was an excellent choice for her 🙂 on january 30th we are having a grandparents lunch at school and she is so thrilled that GeeGee and G-Pa and Grandma Jones are coming! El is really into her accessories, still. We recently took a trip (the 3 kids and I) to Joann Fabrics to invest in our own beads to make bracelets. on a typical day ella has on 7 bracelets, 1 necklace and at least 1 headband/bow. need fashion advice, call her 🙂

Brady…is starting to act his age. 2. TWO. omgosh. for awhile i thought maybe we’d just skip all that 2 year old stuff. but, no luck on that. today he is skipping his nap and as we walked down the stairs together he looked at me and slyly smiled and said ‘i’m not really following directions, am i mommy?’. aaaaahhhhHH!H!H!H!H!. it has begun. but on his flip side.. every morning and after every nap he runs to me and hugs me tight saying ‘hello mommy!!!!’ in the most precious and excited voice. like i am exactly who he wakes up wanting to see 🙂

Gabrielle… is absolutely precious. all. the. time. even when she decides that her day begins at 3:30am. i really don’t even mind. i just love to hold her and kiss her little self. she is growing WAY too fast.  WAY. 🙂 we are still unsure about who she resembles most. but man is she cute!




the girls and i waiting in Ella's room on christmas morning .. we later had to wake Brady and Daddy 🙂


quick photo before they saw all santa brought for them. can you tell we woke B up?


he got over it quickly 🙂


Stockings! made by GeeGee.


loving it


taking it all in...


finally hours later.. the sun is up.

these later became weapons.


mommy's FAV gifts 🙂


look at the faces. omgosh.


sweet ella


Daddy and Gabs


most precious baby goo.


love it.


so cute


finally. someone tackling brady 🙂


balancing on the sleds from G&G Jones


enjoying popcorn and watching a movie from Grandma


'B...what are you doing?'...'waiting for cookies mommy'.


i don't think JJ can deny this baby 🙂


projects in our pajamas!


This is the 2nd year we have had our college friends and kids over for a ‘Countdown to Noon Years’ event put on by our old music teacher. This year even Uncle Tommy, Aunt Meg and Leo came! Obviously it was the end of the night and i realized i had zero photos from the day. so, i got what i could. i think it’s everyone but drew. sorry buddy! 🙂

4 little boys looking for...???


Reese was very attentive to gabby's needs


Finn, Beck and Ella


sweet Griffy


Reese. smiled every time i asked her to 🙂


Finn and Beck


Gabby girl

so i actually do not even know when i last posted…but seeing as i’ve had some ‘when are you going to update your blog’ texts/email…i’m thinking it’s been awhile 🙂

We have had such an amazing holiday season. The kids were bananas over all that Christmas was to them…it was incredible to watch the THREE of them together. they are so beautiful. the absolute sweetest part to me was how every night at bedtime when i asked ella what story she wanted to hear, she requested the same one…’tell me about how jesus was born mommy’. Even with all the peanut butter balls and presents, what truly mattered was in her heart 🙂

here you go…


we made ALOT of christmas cookies this year...such good helpers!


We celebrated Christmas with my family a few weeks early this year. It was a fantastic weekend. I miss you guys all the time and JJ and I are incredibly thankful for each of you.

GeeGee & G-Pa found these adorable bulldozers and hats for Leo and Brady


Leo, showing me his new blocks!


GeeGee reading the girls a story...everyone knows GeeGee is the BEST when it comes to all the characters and their voices.


Back at home…

oh come on. could she be any more adorable?


oh yes.. i guess she can 🙂


showing Gabs his 'dozer' from GeeGee and G-Pa


strike a pose B.


Ella is really into testing out all kinds of's the 'really silly smile'.


look what my brother and sister do to me!


Ella LOVES to be outside. LOVES it.


they were hiding. and LOVED being found.


Hot chocolate anyone? how cute is her expression?




'dis SO GOOD mommy'


always smiling 🙂


family pic before Christmas Eve mass. i love it.


Justin came and spent Christmas eve day with us...such an adoring Godfather 🙂


Christmas Eve. excited about new pjs and opening a few presents 🙂

I guess that’s what happens when you update your blog at 4:30am…you forget half the month. ha! so here’s the rest of november and a little of december…

Grandma came over to work on a project with the kids…custom made gift tags! they are adorable! thanks grandma!

Ella and Grandma Jones

Getting ready for Thanksgiving

Rolling out the pie crusts…

absolutely presh


newlyweds 🙂


GeeGee and kids (minus brady)


Leo checking out the view from the window...and ella's chair


we took the kids shopping on black friday (oh my!) and this was brady's super sly face he kept giving me...little Jonesy 🙂


Random memories…

Big bro...loves his baby sis


Gabby's 1st shower! despite the look of concern, she does love it 🙂

my Besties and I on our annual chicago shopping trip...miss them 😦


G-Pa's birthday!


"Momma! Momma! Check THIS out Momma!"


4 months old and totally GORG 🙂


Making our 1st batch of Christmas cookies…delish!

November was tons of fun at our home. We had visitors, Brady’s 1st Illini game and more!

Some of my Very Best Friends Forever came for a visit…It was a night of memories for sure! 🙂

Cindy and Ella


Gabby and Anthony


Brady and Justin


Ella and Alison

Gabby is growing so quickly…

I'm 3 months!


what about us momma!?!?!

Brady finally got his chance…his 1st Illini football game!

I'm ready!


Sitting in a desk in the very same lecture hall that Daddy and Auntie Ash had class together!


the game!


Sisters photo shoot


Playing while Ella was at school…

Brady insisted Gabby needed to see ALL his 'tractors'



Last day of the season at the swing set

Busy Busy!

Whoa, we have been busy. This month has been FLYING by!

Our Ella Bella loves school…and Brady wants to be just like her (as you will see in the backpack pic below 🙂 )

Ella and JJ have been going to every IL home football game and loving it. The kids have been to visit the farm over the past few weekends and it is so wonderful to know how much they love to visit where their Daddy grew up…of course the cows and the combines are major attractions there as well!

ready for school

And…The Tuffs wedding weekend begins…

the rehearsal dinner.

Aunt Meg and Ella

Daddy, Brady and Mommy

Uncle Tommy meets Gabby!

SO cute!

Yes, he is praying before our dinner

The wedding day!

just before the walk down the aisle...


on the party bus!

beautiful bride

Ella and her Katie

he is SUCH a kissable little boy

our amazing parents 🙂

us with our 3rd sister, shannon 🙂

time to go...

The days after the wedding…we spent hanging out at G-Pa and GeeGee’s home (JJ was out of town on business). We took a trip to Joliet to visit my grandparents, had dinner at one of our favorite pizza places with Uncle Tommy, Aunt Meg and Leo and even made it to Aunt Lo’s 7th grade basketball game! The kids loved it!

my ADORABLE nephew Leo...he and i had a short photo shoot by the front door 🙂

Great Grandma 'Rugo' and the girls

It is amazing how going from 2 to 3 kids makes you wonder what in the world you used to do with only 2 kids!?! 🙂

Today JJ took Ella and Brady to the farm to spend the day with Grandma Jones while he helped his dad in the field. So today, with only Gabby and I at home, I spent hours cleaning my house with no interruptions while listening to ‘grown up’ music. It was one of those days when I found myself wondering…Seriously, what did I do with only 1 kid!??! When I think back to being home with just Ella and I, there was never a dull moment…it was just a different kind of busy.

Some days are more fun than others (ha!)…but I absolutely LOVE being a mom 🙂

this is brady and ella watching an illini football video the morning of the illini vs. northwestern game. it shows the band in the tunnel, followed by the team rushing the field...brady LOVES it...'de run out! de run out! helmets on!'


later that day...ella and daddy at the game


gabby wanted to go to the game that day too 😦

our neighbors came over for a weenie and smores roast at our firepit...brady was most excited about the chocolate.

chillin in the bouncy seat...'i wear momma's shoes'.

my baby girl

morning at the park.. snack time


my brady man

'ride my bike! helmet on!'

going to the farm...SO excited 🙂